Well last night was even better than the night before. Gracie only woke up twice because she couldnt find her pacifier. I went in found it gave it to her and gave her a hug and kiss and each time she cried for about 2 mins after I closed the door but that was all. Also she slept til around 830am. So I am thinkin we are getting this down pat finally. She is a very stubborn and spoiled child so Im hoping other big events like potty training, the taking away of the pacifier are not as hard as I think they will be.

   Today I am working an early shift so I can be home to take the family to Trunk or Treat (I think thats what they called it) at my sister's church. I made the mistake of buying gracie a 20's Flapper costume not thinking that we live in New York and it will probably be freezing so therefore a dress is not that good of an idea for a halloween costume. So I am dressing her in her Flapper costume for this event which I believe is inside (I hope). I figure Ill just go to walmart or target and spend $15 on an outfit that is warm and snuggly for the real Trick and Treating event, but knowing my luck it will be 50 degrees out that night.

As many of you know Gracie is not the best sleeper, never has been! However my sister and I are determined to break this cycle. So for the past two nights anytime gracie wakes up she is given her pacifier and then a hug and we leave the room, we are also trying to cut the habit of giving her a bottle before she goes down for a nap or bedtime. Last night was pretty good, she woke me up twice cause she couldnt find her pacifier and then at 530'ish that wasnt enough so I ended up giving her a bottle and a diaper change. I held her while she ate her bottle and then when she was finished I held her for maybe two more mins and then gave her a kiss and hug and layed her down. Well she did good she only cried for about 5 mins and then was fast asleep and the best part of all she slept til 945am!!!! We both woke up in a great mood, we played with her toys for a bit. Im also trying to break the morning bottle routine, so i didnt give her one. So we played for a bit and I asked if she was hungry and she nodded her head so we went to the kitchen and she had some ham, cottage cheese, turkey, and some dates. Im so happy she is getting over her ear infection, she is finally eating good meals and in a good mood.

Well it has been about two years since I have updated this blog, so I thought now would be a good time to catch everyone up to speed as to what is going on in our lives. Gracelyn is now 18 months old and is a carbon copy of me! Her father has chosen not to be in her life at all, which is ok. Personally she is probably better off. We are now living in our own place but still very close to my sister and Gracie's favorite person jaylene (cousin). My sister babysits for me while I work Full Time. We are always on the go it seems, we constantly love to spoil our girls and take them to fun places and do really neat stuff! I will post more when Gracelyn has her 18 month check up on Oct 27th. Here are some recent pics of us.

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